How to Repair Cracks on Masonry Wall - Massachusetts Masonry Company, Fireplaces, Brick Repairs, Chimneys, Lancaster, MA

How to Repair Cracks on Masonry Wall

Masonry walls are used in constructing buildings, boundaries and many other structures on site. This constitutes of blocking materials to erect walls. In the course of construction or after cracks may appear on the walls. This have to be corrected in order to have a stable structure. This can be caused by use of different materials with varying strengths. The other reason may be due to differential settlement of the building structure in the foundations.

When repairing cracks on a masonry wall, the type of structure must be taken into consideration. This is because the wall maybe non load bearing or load bearing. For the load bearing ones, its critical to access the level of cracking. The structure is checked from the floor level to the roof ring beam. This will ensure that all stones on the fault line are identified. In non the load bearing, assessment is done and correction is done superficially.

The Massachusetts masonry repair commences by raking out the mortar or plaster. This is done to a depth of two inches. All vertical and horizontal joints are exposed along the fault line. Hoop Iron is then cut and laid course wise. The strip is placed at the deepest end of the joint. It is placed on top of the crack one block length on both sides. For severe damage, each course is raked out. A steel bar is used of minimum ten millimeters diameter.

When the crack in masonry is being repaired, rich concrete is added to the joint. After the concrete slurry fills the joint, it is allowed to dry for one day. The wall is then plastered again. the plaster mix should not exceed one part cement and two parts sand. This is to balance the material strengths to avoid cracking again on plaster. After the plaster is completed, it is allowed to dry. It should be cured for two weeks before any decorations.

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